falling out in chunks
Exactly a month later, my thick blonde curls were falling out in chunks. The stress was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I would brush my hair and there'd be three new patches. He also studied violin under Ignaz Schuppanzigh.[31] Early in this period, he also began receiving occasional instruction from Antonio Salieri, primarily in Italian vocal composition style; this relationship persisted until at least 1802, and possibly 1809.[32] With Haydn's departure for England in 1794, Beethoven was expected by the Elector to return home. He chose instead to remain in Vienna, continuing his instruction in counterpoint with Johann Albrechtsberger and other teachers. Although his stipend from the Elector expired, nicefulllacehairwigs a number of Viennese noblemen had already recognised his ability and offered him financial support, among them Prince Joseph Franz Lobkowitz, Prince Karl Lichnowsky, and Baron Gottfried van Swieten.[33]By 1793, he had established a reputation as ...